Unit 24: Music Project

Unit 24: Music Project
10 Credits

Aim and purpose

In this unit, learners are required to plan, prepare for and deliver a large-scale music project. Learners will undertake appropriate responsibilities, working both individually and as part of a team. At the end of the project learners will review the complete process.

Unit introduction

A love of performing is often a key factor in attracting people into the music industry. However, no professional gig or concert can take place without a great deal of considered planning and hard work before the performance itself. This unit is concerned with all the roles involved in putting on a successful live performance. From the marketing manager to the stage manager, from the composers to the performers, all roles are equally as important. The emphasis of this unit is on an active contribution across several areas, 
including, but at the same time going beyond, rehearsal and performance. 

Learners will undertake roles and responsibilities both individually and as part of a team. Initial team meetings will need to focus on commercial considerations. Events need to be targeted at specific audiences and potential markets need to be explored. Other factors, such as the budget and projected expenditure, will also need to be examined before the project gets under way, and tutors should take care to maintain this focus. If 
performances are not commercially successful, artists may find it difficult to get continued support from their sponsors and promoters.

Having undertaken roles and responsibilities appropriate to their chosen project, learners will need to keep records as evidence of their input. Records could constitute notes, forms, drafts, minutes and diagrams, for example, which will be collected into a project portfolio. The tutor will also collect relevant evidence to supplement the portfolio, for example filmed footage of meetings, observation reports, photos, interviews 
etc. The emphasis is on practical, rather than written, work.

Central to the project will be the performance itself. Learners will be assessed on their performing or creative role as well as their support/technical role. For learners whose prime focus is composition, compositions may be performed as part of the live event. 

The final stage is to review the performance as well as the whole process, from the very first meeting through to the get-out and debrief.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit a learner should:

1 Be able to prepare and work as a member of a team towards a successful live event
2 Be able to prepare individually for the delivery of a successful live music event, undertaking appropriate responsibilities throughout the project
3 Be able to contribute to a performance to a technically acceptable level appropriate to context
4 Understand the complete process when preparing for and delivering a live music event.

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